Search engines are constantly changing their ideas for how best to rank Web sites. However, there are a myriad of ways for keeping your site in the running.
Best Edge SEO offers these tips:
- SEO is not a one-shot deal. You can expect to work on your optimization daily to obtain the best results.
- Get to know influential bloggers and sites that are considered influential that might like to link to you and your images or ask to reprint your content.
- Use cutlines, or captions, with your images that are rich in keywords. Spiders do not crawl over images or Flash productions.
- Persuade the business owner or CEO to blog regularly. They are the voice of the company and their words invariably will draw the most interest and return visits. And as a bonus, your site’s credibility will soar.
- Understand and use social marketing as an essential part of SEO. Get to know such sites as Facebook, Yelp,, Digg, and so forth. The more you use, the better your chances in the search process.
- SEO is expanding, so broaden the range of your site to include video, news, podcasts, social content, chat facilities, and so forth. It’s no longer all about links.
- Links from a high PageRank site are extremely valuable since the high PR indicates high trust. So any link from a high PR will carry more weight.
- Optimize the text content in your RSS field. Be sure your text is descriptive and rich in keywords.
The professionals at Best Edge SEO are the experts and know the landscape of the Internet. Take the tip call 1-888-501-0353 for a free website evaluation today.