If you’re looking to increase traffic to your website—and who isn’t—then you need to use the proper internet marketing tools that will increase exposure to your website as well as please the Google God. Getting ranked on page 1 of a Google search is no easy feat but can be accomplished with careful search engine optimization for all your web pages and proper internet marketing.
One of the best things you can do for your site to increase exposure, and please Google’s most recent algorithms, is to include articles on your site that distinguish you as an expert in your industry. Article content, if kept to under approximately 500 words, can be nicely placed on a blog section of your website.
For some, writing content on their expertise is not very difficult—after all, they are experts. But some people just don’t have a knack for writing. Those people would be better off using the services of a reputable marketing company to create content for them. If you’re one of those people, you can stop reading…just do your homework on an internet marketing company that provides quality article writing and you’re done.
If you prefer to try your hand at writing your own blogs, or articles, a few simple tricks can help you get started.
1. People are visual – Most people are visual—we like eye candy. Glancing at a page with lots of type and little graphics can be daunting to the average reader. Including relevant graphics throughout your article (especially when over 500 words) can keep your user engaged and less likely to yawn and walk away.
2. Include quality content – If what you’re writing about is common knowledge, or has been regurgitated over the internet time and time again, you’re probably not going to draw in any new readers. Try to find an engaging topic and then give it a unique twist that is relevant to your industry.
3. Include keywords – The same keywords you use to get people to visit your site, the words that people search for on search engines like Google, should be included at least a few times throughout your article. Google will recognize the keywords, and it will help to substantiate you as an expert in the industry.
Writing can be hard, but if you have a creative side and are an expert in a particular area, making use of article writing, or blogs, on your website can be very rewarding, both personally and financially.